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Rank Checker

Enter your domain name :

Keywords :

Check Positions upto :


Enter keywords in separate line.



What Is Rank Checker?

Rank checker is a web tool that allows you to see the site order on search engines like Google. This tool does not need to be a member and it allows limitless query possibility. At the same time, this tool allows querying for another keyword off-site domain. Also, it queries for a keyword on the first ten pages of Google search engines, and it states the results according to this.

How To Use Rank Checker?

Rank Checker is the sequence finder web tool that is very easy to use. Every website user can obtain the desired data about the website by filling in the required fields in a comfortable way. It is enough to follow these steps to use the rank checker:

  • First, the home page URL of the website is entered in the box that says domain name or domain name.
  • After this, website-related keywords are entered into the keyword area. Let’s explain this with an example: There is content about the white appliances. Different and the subject of the site keywords such as “2020 white appliances, 2020 white appliances models, cheap white appliances” are written to keyword box for finding search results about this content. Also, every keyword is written to separate lines in the box, and in this way, it is made possible for the rank finder tool to have control over each keyword.
  • Then, the rank up to which row you want to be checked on Google is selected. It is also possible to check up to the 100th rank on Google with the rank finder.
  • After these steps, the last step is clicking to “find the place of the keyword” button. If the website content’s rank is top of Google, this situation is determined by a rank checker for a short time. But if the website content’s rank is fiftieth or sixtieth determining time can belong.

The rank checker gives information about websites and keywords that are used on websites to website owners. So, website owners can work on keywords to bring the website to the fore.

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