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Whois Checker

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What Is Whois Checker?

This query tool is used to learn who owns the domain. It is possible to reach several different information about relevant domain names with the domain whois query. Sometimes, although domain owners have the chance to hide various information the information that is not hidden can be easily revealed by the whois query. Also, domain queries are made with tools that are presented free and their general name is called domain whois query.

What Is Whois Query?

Domain whois query shows who has taken the domain name of a website before or who is currently on it. Also, it is possible to get different information with the whois query. This information is:

  • Registration date
  • Register
  • Name and surname of the domain owner
  • DNS server information

Also, the domain whois query is a free service and, in this way, it is easy to find out who the domain belongs to. In addition, the contact information of the real owner of the domain can be accessed by the query.

How to Query Whois?

To query the domain whois, it is sufficient to write the domain address of the relevant website in the search bar on the service and then press the “Query” button. This service queries domain names in all domains within the ICANN system and lists domain whois information in a few seconds. It is possible to reach the information that belongs to a domain with this query.

What Is Whois Hiding and How Is It Done?

Whois hiding means that the domain information is hidden from the registrar panel. In other words, the information of the domain owners who do this operation will not appear during the domain whois query. With whois hiding, the information specifically defined for domain registration information is hidden from third parties. Information hidden includes contact information. The only thing to do to activate the domain whois hiding feature is to log in to the registry of the registrar. After that, it will be enough to activate the whois hiding service in the panel by selecting the relevant domain.

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